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Natal Chart Bias
Is it possible to be biased towards our own Natal Chart? Could we unintentionally focus on the aspects of our chart that paint a positive picture of ourselves, and conveniently ignore those that might suggest less favorable traits? Let’s talk about it!

Reading a Natal Chart Is Like Baking Cookies
Confused or overwhelmed about astrology? Skip the unspecific horoscopes and astrology apps that hardly scratch the surface, and read your own Natal Chart instead! With my method, reading your chart is as simple as baking cookies!

You Need to Know These 3 Things About Your Natal Chart
When it comes to your Natal Chart, you need to know these three important things (and they may not be what you think!)

8th & Poppy School of Astrology
8th & Poppy School of Astrology is now live! Our astrology courses are designed with you in mind and make reading your charts simple, empowering, and fun!
We have a marvelous month ahead, and it’s full of joy and opportunities!