April Forecast
Happy April!
As always, we have a marvelous month ahead,
and it’s full of joy and opportunities!
April 1 - 6
Mercury Retrograde begins in Aries on the 1st, inviting you to better align your thoughts to the actions and results you want. Reflect on your courage and independence.
Venus enters Aries on the 4th, which may make it easier for you to be straightforward and candid when it comes to matters of love and money. Now is the time to make the first move!
Venus sextiles Pluto on the 6th - a deep conversation may transform a relationship today. Say what's on your heart!
April 7 - 13
There is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries on the 8th, which opens the door for explosive new beginnings! This New Moon is a reminder to not let anything or anyone stop you from living your life in the way that you want. Just remember that eclipses bring what we need, which may not be what we initially want.
Mars conjuncts Saturn on the 10th - press forward on your projects with this productive energy, just be mindful of burnout! Take breaks if you feel yourself growing frustrated.
Sun conjuncts Mercury Rx on the 11th, which may bring clarity to what you're meant to be learning during this retrograde period.
April 14 - 20
Mercury Rx conjuncts Chiron on the 15th - take a closer look at your wounds. You may discover hidden wisdom to integrate for the future.
The Sun enters Taurus on the 19th, slowing us down into a more grounded and indulgent time of life. Permission to treat yourself and to spend time in nature! Practice mindfulness and working towards your goals at a pace that feels good to you.
Jupiter conjuncts Uranus on the 20th - this rare alignment may shake up your entire reality (in a good way!) Be open to change and keep an eye on what happens around 1-2 weeks of this date.
April 21 - 30
There is a Full Moon in Scorpio on the 23rd, which may bring a timely culmination of a personal or business matter. Be gentle on yourself if this Full Moon brings up any difficult emotions or blind spots. You may even begin to realize how far you've come in your healing.
Mercury Retrograde ends on the 25th, though we may still feel its effects for a week or two.
Venus enters Taurus on the 29th, which may make you more adverse to risk-taking in matters of love and money. It's okay to want stability and security!
1. I am secure and connected to my intuition.
2. My heart is full of gratitude and I am present in this moment.
3. I can say no to the things that no longer serve me.
This month, I’m opening up a small case study group to help you use your Natal Chart to make career + financial moves! 📈
My chart - which helped me understand what jobs would be the most fulfilling to me and ideal times to make career changes - helped me land my dream job (without applying for it!) and open my own business! I know yours can do the same for you! ♥️
Here’s a result from someone in my last case study:
Make it a good one everyone!
And if it’s not, reach out so I can support you!