January Forecast
Happy January!
As always, we have a marvelous month ahead,
and it’s full of joy and opportunities!
January 1 - 6
Mercury Retrograde ends on the 1st. You may still feel its effects for a week or two, but this brings more clarity around plans and decision making.
Mars enters Capricorn on the 4th. You’ll likely find that it feels easier to stay motivated and to push forward on your long-term plans!
Sun squares Chiron on the 6th, which may bring your restricting thought patterns or behaviors to light, which can be frustrating. Simply remember that growth is uncomfy!
January 7 - 13
Mercury squares Neptune on the 8th, which may leave you feeling uninspired or disconnected in your daily routines. Allow yourself to explore and your mind to wander.
There is a New Moon in Capricorn on the 11th, which will help you decide what you want to conquer in 2024. Instead of setting resolutions for the year, create a 6-month vision with this moon and then fine-tune your goals once the lunar cycle ends in July.
Mercury enters Capricorn on the 13th, which is a great time to strategically organize your life!
January 14 - 20
The Sun is sextile Neptune on the 16th, allowing inspiration to flow easily! Think about the higher vision for your life.
Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th, so it's time to embrace your weird and quirky side! Shake up the status quo and do things on your own terms. Evaluate how you're making an impact on the world too!
Pluto also enters Aquarius on this day, which brings radical new energies we haven't seen since the 70's. Prepare for a tech revolution!
January 21 - 31
Venus enters Capricorn on the 23rd, reminding us to take a more serious approach to matters of love and money. Show you care through practical acts of service!
There is a Full Moon in Leo on the 25th, bringing extra creativity and passion to our projects. This moon will prompt you to reflect on the things that prevent you from sharing your ideas more freely.
Uranus Retrograde ends on the 27th, which brings a sense of momentum, progress, and a fresh perspective.
1. I can use challenges as stepping stones toward personal growth and success.
2. I am open to joy, prosperity, and fulfillment in my life.
3. I will celebrate and appreciate the little moments as I work towards my goals.
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Make it a good one everyone!
And if it’s not, reach out so I can support you!