November Forecast

Happy November!

As always, we have a marvelous month ahead,

and it’s full of joy and opportunities!

Monthly astrology forecast

November 1 - 11

Saturn Retrograde ends on the 4th, so you may begin to feel less blocked when it comes to implementing your long-term goals and visions!

Venus enters Libra on the 8th, which is a great time to communicate openly with those you love and to find a healthy middle ground. Permission to schedule a beauty treatment for yourself too! 

Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 10th - prepare to stretch your mind! Explore new things and stay curious about all the possibilities that life has to offer. 


November 12 - 18

There is a New Moon in Scorpio on the 13th, giving you the chance to face any deep emotions that are causing you to feel stuck or uninspired. Treat yourself with compassion and you'll be able to redirect any wounded energy into something more productive! The Moon will also be opposite Uranus, which highlights feelings of liberation. 

The Sun will be conjunct Mars on the 17th, which may give you a burst of energy! Tap into your passions and create from the heart. 

Dining room table

November 19 - 25

Sun enters Sagittarius on the 25th - climb out of the depths of Scorpio and look to the future! Now is the time to find joy and to expand your horizons through learning and travel. If you feel restless, permission to get moving!

Mars also enters Sagittarius on the 24th, which may motivate you even more to get out of your comfort zone. Freedom and passion are both important right now! 


November 26 - 30

There is a Full Moon in Gemini on the 27th, giving you the chance to speak with intention and clear out the noise! With so much misinformation in the world, speaking clearly and truthfully is our way of combatting that on a small but mighty scale.

Mercury is also squaring Neptune on this day, so don't put too much pressure on yourself to be productive or to complete a big project. Explore your dreams instead! 

Monthly mantras
Dog laying in bed

1. I live my truth unapologetically and I inspire others to do the same.

2. Every experience presents an opportunity to become wiser and grow stronger.

3. I trust the journey and am focused on what’s in front of me.


Regardless of where you are on your journey back to yourself, your Natal Chart is your road map there.

 We have something for everyone, and we want to know where you are on your own unique life path, so we can help guide you to the course that is just right for you.

 Let’s grab coffee + chat on Zoom 🫶🏻


Make it a good one everyone!

And if it’s not, reach out so I can support you!

With love,



P.S. Are you struggling with: low energy, feeling grounded, expressing yourself, or connecting with your emotions?



The Enneagram vs. Natal Charts


Books to Enjoy During Libra Season