November Forecast

Happy November!

As always, we have a marvelous month ahead,

and it’s full of joy and opportunities!

Monthly astrology forecast
Woman on bed reading book

November 1 - 6

Reflect on the past year with a new perspective this week.

If you feel it's needed, reconnect with people or tie up any loose ends.

Old issues or patterns may come up, but only to give us new insight on how we can move past them once and for all!

Full moon

November 7 - 13

With the Full Moon on the 8th, pay attention to what you are being asked to release.

Spend time dreaming, do something outside of your comfort zone, and be honest about your wants + needs (especially within a relationship) this week!

Poppy field

November 14 - 20

This is an inspiring and uplifting week!

Venus enters Sagittarius on the 16th, making it a great time to shake things up.

How can you get away from the mundane and try something new? Use this energy to dive into learning a new topic or hobby.

Woman looking at map in car

November 21 - 30

After weeks of shadow work, it’s time to climb out of Scorpio’s depths!

Now that we are in touch with our deep emotions, we are ready to find our joy! Give yourself thanks for where you are & pursue all things fun this week.

Use the energy of the New Moon on the 23rd to manifest adventure - even if that's just walking your dog on a new path. Explore!

Monthly mantras
Planner and magazine with watch

1. The only way out is through.

2. Let go. What is meant to stay will return.

3. The quickest way to get out of a negative mental pattern is to seek the wisdom of others.

November birthdays

Happy Solar Return, November birthday friends!

Take 10% off a Solar Return reading for you OR as a gift certificate to give a loved one for the most personalized, empowering, and helpful gift yet!

Simply email me to let me know you’d like to be added to my list or that you’d like a gift certificate!


Make it a good one everyone!

And if it’s not, reach out so I can support you!

With love,



Books to Enjoy During Scorpio Season