May Forecast

Happy May!

As always, we have a marvelous month ahead,

and it’s full of joy and opportunities!

Monthly astrology forecast
Person reading a book on a picnic blanket

May 1 - 6

Pluto Retrograde begins on the 1st, bringing the shadow parts of ourselves to the surface. If you work on these areas of yourself, you can expect personal breakthroughs and internal shifts! 

There is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 5th, which reminds us to remove anything from our life that prevents us from moving forward or starting over. 

This is the last Scorpio Eclipse we will see in a long time, so be prepared for release, endings, and closure - all of which will ensure that you are living in line with your high roads! 

Tables and chairs outside a cafe

May 7 - 13

Venus enters Cancer on the 7th, which encourages us to enjoy our cozy comforts! You may especially enjoy being around anyone that makes you feel at home.

Sun conjuncts Uranus on the 9th - which happens annually - so if you feel rebellious and ready to shake things up, this is why! It's time to break out of anything that is stifling, uninspiring, or simply boring.

Two people riding their bikes through a field

May 14 - 20

Mercury Retrograde ends on the 14th, although we may still feel its effects for the next week or so. 

Jupiter enters Taurus on the 16th, which is where it will stay until May 2024. This placement encourages us to set clear goals, and to put strong plans in place. This will lead to tangible results and positive outcomes!

There is a New Moon in Taurus on the 19th, which gives us the chance to embody what we truly desire! If you want more relaxation, do something that makes you feel relaxed. 


May 21 - 31

Sun enters Gemini on the 21st, which encourages us to get out in the world! Spend time catching up with friends, reading interesting books, and multi-tasking. Your energy may feel a bit scattered, so simply stay on your toes! 

For the remainder of the month, be mindful of finding moderation before you hit burnout, and of any frustration that arises when you're not actively working on something that furthers your long-term goals. Permission to treat yourself with more love and compassion!

Monthly mantras
Bench overlooking mountain view

1. I welcome new opportunities to grow. Every experience is here to teach me.

2. I appreciate all of the beauty around me. I know that, like nature, I am always evolving.

3. I will set aside time to do things that make me feel happy and allow me to rediscover myself.

May birthdays

Happy Solar Return, May birthday friends!

Take 10% off a Solar Return reading for you OR as a gift certificate to give a loved one for the most personalized, empowering, and helpful gift yet!

Simply email me to let me know you’d like to be added to my list or that you’d like a gift certificate!


"8th & Poppy’s Natal Basics + Advanced astrology courses offer everything an astrology newbie needs to begin reading and understanding Natal Charts. I went from having a very limited understanding of astrology to being able to pull and read Natal Charts with ease. 

Adrianne takes what could be an overwhelming endeavor and turns it into a very personal, manageable, and enjoyable experience. Not only are the courses thoughtfully presented and designed, Adrianne is quick to answer any questions and genuinely cares about your success. Her passion for astrology and enthusiasm for life is contagious! 

I would recommend Adrianne’s courses 100%.

- Briana


Make it a good one everyone!

And if it’s not, reach out so I can support you!

With love,



Books to Enjoy During Gemini Season


Podcasts for Taurus Season