How to Stop Questioning Your Career + Relationships

And start living with confidence!

Have you ever thought astrology might just be a bunch of “woo-woo”? Or a see-your-future-in-a-coffee-cup type of mystical nonsense? Well, SAME! 🙋🏻‍♀️

If you’ve been following me for some time (or even just a few days - 👋welcome!), you likely know that I am a skeptic-turned-Master Astrologer. Meaning that I went into my first astrology reading determined to debunk it… and failed miserably 😂

Grab your favorite beverage (and maybe some popcorn 🍿) because in my BRAND NEW + FREE Masterclass, I’ll talk about what happened in my reading that changed my mind about astrology, and then why I drained my teacher salary savings account to become a Master Astrologer.

I went from thinking astrology was just a bunch of surface-level + contradictory information to having it positively change every part of my life, including every single relationship in my life and my career 🤯

In fact, my new Masterclass is centered around how to stop questioning your career + relationships and start living with confidence! 💥


Best of all, I’ll talk about why you don’t need to pay an astrologer for a reading to gain access to a better career + relationships!

(Hence why I stopped offering readings – I knew there was a better way for my clients to gain clarity + direction in their career and navigate their relationships!)

Here’s what else you can expect to hear about in this Masterclass ⬇️

  • Why horoscopes don’t feel relatable

  • What your astrology apps AREN’T telling you

  • Why the Enneagram is NOT accurate or reliable

  • How to go from feeling burnt out or uninspired in your work → To knowing when it’s the right time to take the next step in your career (and what next step would feel the most fulfilling to you!)

  • How to go from feeling like there’s a block or disconnect in your relationships → To having healthy + fulfilling partnerships

  • How to go from feeling lost or directionless → To understanding your path + purpose

And remember, fellow skeptics, I SEE YOU.

I WAS YOU - not all that long ago!

So, let’s get you on your way to becoming the best, most confident, and joyful version of yourself! 🎉

If you’re wondering what this would look like for you, imagine this:

  • You feel balanced, at ease, confident in who you are, and excited about where you’re going in life + in your career.

  • You have a deep sense of clarity and understanding around past and current situations, and every relationship in your life has evolved in the best possible way. You no longer question the relationships in your life.

Ready?? Then secure your spot in the FREE Masterclass before it’s too late! Permission to show up in your comfiest outfit + with your favorite beverage! ☕


I’m already counting down to seeing you there! ❤️ (I also have a surprise at the end for everyone who attends!)

P.S. If you are not struggling with anything and life is actually going wonderfully for you right now, this masterclass is also for you! Tune in for my amazing analogy about why this is. ✨


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