June Forecast

Happy June!

As always, we have a marvelous month ahead,

and it’s full of joy and opportunities!

Monthly astrology forecast
Book, water bottle, and lemon on a blanket

June 1 - 10

Jupiter conjuncts North Node on the 1st - a rare alignment that helps us feel more inspired and excited to step into our life's purpose.

There is a Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 3rd, which helps us see a much wider view of where our life could go. It's time to release any mindsets or beliefs that get in the way of this great vision!

Additionally, Venus enters Leo on the 5th, so you may feel more attracted to people, things, and opportunities that allow you to confidently express yourself.


June 11 - 17

Mercury enters Gemini on the 11th, which may bring quickness to your thinking and an ability to view things from multiple perspectives. 

Saturn enters retrograde on the 17th, and will stay in retrograde for the next 5 months. Use this time to reflect on your long-term plans and goals - are you doing something that truly lights you up? 

There is also a New Moon in Gemini on the 17th, which is a chance to set intentions for friendships, refresh your mindset, and share your thoughts and ideas!

Green converse shoes with yellow flowers inside

June 18 - 24

Jupiter sextiles Saturn on the 19th, so if you've been feeling any tension the last month - this should release! You may experience a lot of growth and expansion around your plans, goals, and commitments.

Sun enters Cancer on the 21st, which is a time to retreat inward (especially if you had a busy Gemini season). Do things that make you feel safe and secure - whether that's fixing up a comfort meal, redecorating your home, reevaluating your finances, or setting new goals. Your intuition may also be heightened during this time, so lean in! 


June 25 - 30

Mercury enters Cancer on the 26th, which will help us put feelings into words. If you need to have a heart-to-heart with someone, now is a great time. 

Neptune Retrograde begins on the 30th, so you may begin to feel confused about what you're working towards, but stick with it - greater clarity may be on its way with the next Full Moon!

Monthly mantras
Sun hat and sunglasses in the sand

1. I invest my time and energy where it feels right for me.


2. I welcome a change of perspective and I will speak my reality into existence.

3. No matter where I go, I can always find “home” within myself.

June birthdays

Happy Solar Return, June birthday friends!

Take 10% off a Solar Return reading for you OR as a gift certificate to give a loved one for the most personalized, empowering, and helpful gift yet!

Simply email me to let me know you’d like to be added to my list or that you’d like a gift certificate!


We have a brand new FREE TRAINING about the elements on your Natal Chart and how they hold the key to self-discovery + relationship success!


✨Identify your baseline elemental balance in less than 9 minutes (you were born with a default set – and it may just blow your mind 🤯)

✨Receive a FREE GUIDE filled with practical steps to cultivate any elements that you may be missing or low in so that you can restore balance to your life – which then has positive ripple effects on your career, relationships, health, and so much more!


Make it a good one everyone!

And if it’s not, reach out so I can support you!

With love,



What to Watch During Cancer Season


What to Watch During Gemini Season