February Forecast

Happy February!

As always, we have a marvelous month ahead,

and it’s full of joy and opportunities!

Monthly astrology forecast
Poppy field

February 1 - 4

Reflect on your healing journey and past this week. The challenges that you have faced are the stepping stones towards your future! 

You may need to compromise when working with others this week. Make sure your ego isn't getting in the way! Analyze your busy work as well - is it serving your greater purpose?

Full moon over mountains

February 5 - 11

There is a Full Moon in Leo on the 5th, which is the perfect time to celebrate your creative endeavors and passion projects! Enjoy an extra boost of confidence this week. 

Mercury also enters Aquarius on the 11th, so you may have an abundance of brilliant thoughts and ideas running through your head! However, be mindful of information overload during this time.

Flower art

February 12 - 18

Get lost in your imagination and pay attention to your subconscious thought patterns this week. You may hear good news, solve a problem you've been dealing with, or have an enlightening discussion! 

Sun enters Pisces on the 18th, which is the perfect time to do some inner spring cleaning and to take a break from the daily grind. Make time for art, dancing, or some other creative and imaginative outlet! 

Nature trail

February 19 - 28

There is a New Moon in Pisces on the 19th, which invites you to see the magic in your everyday life and to “live the dream”. Make a vision board and then a plan of action to turn it into a reality!

Venus also enters Aries on the 20th, which brings a more confident energy to matters of love and money. Make the first move or share the thrill of a new adventure with someone! Be mindful of not taking things too personally during this time. 

As the month comes to an end, you may feel more willing to try new approaches and to speak out!

Monthly mantras
Bouquet of flowers

1. I will live a life that is filled with love.

2. I invest my time and energy where it feels right for me.

3. The serenity I seek already exists within me.

February birthdays

Happy Solar Return, February birthday friends!

Take 10% off a Solar Return reading for you OR as a gift certificate to give a loved one for the most personalized, empowering, and helpful gift yet!

Simply email me to let me know you’d like to be added to my list or that you’d like a gift certificate!


Make it a good one everyone!

And if it’s not, reach out so I can support you!

With love,



8th & Poppy School of Astrology


Mercury Retrograde